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E-Board and Training

September 11, 2019

E-Board Planning


Camilla Forte, President

Julia Greene, Vice President

Mari Devereaux, Secretary

Olivia Covey, Prospective Treasurer

President Camilla Forte called the meeting to order at 6:26

  • communications event: posters/fliers

  • By monday, send Cora Curby a list of who is coming to tour

  • Loft reserved 11:00-11:30 October 11

Meeting Olivia next week

-budget, responsibilities, e-board meetings, SOC details, has to be a national member

Comm Event???

October Meeting

  • Networking presentation- here’s how you network, make linkedin

  • Then go to Career Center as a group

  • Headline club meetup pushed back

  • Portfolio event would be led by Headline club

Mock-ups for members!!

-2 pager design

  • To do’s:

Julia: Contact Career Center- Brian Socall

President Camilla Forte ended the meeting at 7:25 p.m. 

September 25, 2019

Facebook Training by Ben Meyerson


  1. Page vs. Profile

    1. Fans: 

      1. Profile: unlimited followers, 5K friends limit

      2. Page: unlimited page likes (can’t send first message) metrics and stats is a big benefit

    2. Features & Capabilities:

      1. Profile: Send and receive messages with friends and followers

  1. Getting Started

    1. Decide on profile v. page

    2. Use follow for profile

    3. Use author tags to connect your byline

    4. Connect new followers to your page

    5. Subscribe followers to updates

  1. See First in News Feed tool

    1. (following drop down menu -> see first)

    2. Can use with up to 30 pages

  1. CrowdTangle

    1. Chrome extension, bought by Facebook

    2. Go to any website and see where the post has been shared

    3. Shows public reposts and tweets, facebook comments/shares/likes


  1. Facebook Search

    1. Start with keyword, “see all results” option

    2. Filters (by source, time period, location, photos and videos, etc.)

  1. Groups

    1. 1B people use groups every month

    2. 200M “very meaningful” groups

    3. Build communities, nurture conversations, etc

    4. Groups for pages:

      1. Trib runs sports groups that are very successful

    5. Link a Page to a Group

      1. Elisabeth Rosenthal (NYT) created “Paying Til it Hurts” Facebook group about the cost of healthcare for a series and is now writing a book

      2. “The New Yorker Movie Club” 

  1. Instagram as a Source

    1. Owned by Facebook

    2. Search by location

    3. Put explore to work for you

      1. Set up a “finsta” for your beat

      2. Follow all accounts you know about on your topic

      3. Refresh explore tab to see new suggestions related to activity


  1. Leverage Your Expertise

    1. In the field

    2. Behind the scenes

      1. Provide context/analysis

      2. Expert Q&As

    3. Personal connection

    4. Share news as it happens

  1. Vary Posting Strategy

    1. Post a mix of content types (helps with algorithm so everyone sees your posts)

    2. Avoid clickbait headlines

    3. Understand your audience

    4. Be timely, relevant, conversational and authentic

  1. Use Compelling Imagery

    1. Choose an eye-catching photo or video

    2. Bring viewers into the scene

    3. Convery timely information

    4. Think about autoplay and sound-off experience

    5. 3-second audition

    6. Instagram: stick with the tools that are there, keep it authentic

      1. Stories: start with interactive stickers to help engagement for rest of story content

      2. Caption videos at least a little bit (majority of people listen with sound on, but a lot still don’t use sound)

  1. Live Video

    1. 6x interactions on live than on regular videos

    2. 10x comments than on regular videos

    3. What do people like about live?

      1. Immediacy and interactivity

      2. Unique perspective

      3. Social connection

      4. Authenticity

      5. Excitement and surprise (nascar effect--watermelon video on buzzfeed ex.) 

    4. HOW TO:

      1. Type in description

      2. Set privacies (do “only me” first to test connection”)

      3. Go live on page, not just profile

      4. Can go live for up to 8 hours

      5. Can monetize live videos

      6. Can trim video after it’s been taken

    5. Useful live features for newsrooms:

      1. Comment pinning

      2. Scheduling (Live API third-party app)

      3. “Live with” interview function (on Facebook--person hosting is full-screen, person joining is small in corner)

    6. Use live for behind the scenes content or personal color to build personal brand and add depth to online presence

    7. Before you go live:

      1. Schedule live to tell fans when you’re going live

      2. Go live when you have a strong connection

      3. Write a catchy description before going live

      4. Interact with your audience

    8. During live:

      1. Give people time to join (wait about 2 minutes before getting into the main point--engage with audience, answer questions, introduce topic, etc.)

      2. Invite a friend to go live with you

      3. Ask related pages to share the video 

      4. Interact with viewers !!!!

      5. Manage the conversation with pinned comments

      6. Broadcast for a longer period of time to reach more people

    9. After going live:

      1. Save the video so more people can watch and share afterwards

      2. Update the description to help viewers understand

  1. Engage with Followers

    1. Reply to commenters

    2. Share your authentic voice

    3. Follow up timely stories with context

    4. Bring fans into your reporting and newsgathering process

  1. What do People like About Video?

    1. Emotional connection

    2. Easy consumption

    3. Naturally shareable

    4. Local perspective

    5. Uplifting narratives

  1. 360 + Live 360

    1. Interactive, exploratory video experiences

    2. Engage audience right away

    3. Use narration/on-camera host

    4. Don’t be constantly moving!

    5. Think about timing of transitions

    6. Include elements of discovery

    7. Use text to augment your video

  1. Connect with people through video across the platform

    1. Feed

    2. Stories

    3. Watch

    4. Live

    5. Watch party

    6. Premieres

    7. IGTV


  1. Staying Safe

    1. Avoid public information like your name

    2. A password unique to facebook

    3. Don’t share your password

    4. Safety Tools

      1. Login alerts

      2. Two-Factor Authentication ALWAYS

        1. Test messages

        2. Authentication app

        3. Security key

        4. Recovery codes    

      3. Page Moderation

        1. Filters for profanity, 

        2. Assign page roles (admin, editor, moderator, advertiser, analyst, etc)

OTHER RESOURCES (Group for Media Publishers) (Training)

Ben Meyerson’s additional resources (Google Drive)

September Notes: About
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